
Since childhood, Michel has been enchanted by the wonders of wildlife. Each sighting, whether of majestic birds or fascinating mammals, has given rise to an overwhelming passion. And it was in 2007 that he captured his first photograph, forever freezing an encounter with a crested tit, nestling in the branches of a fir tree in his garden. This event was a real catalyst, an irresistible call to explore the world and capture emotions through his lens..

Since then, Michel has embarked on a perpetual quest through the Belgian countryside and faraway lands, eager to immortalize special moments. For him, each image is a moment of emotion captured, a symphony of feelings that guides his photographic approach. His aim is to immortalize wildlife in all its splendor, in harmony with the natural scenery that surrounds it. With an innate artistic sensitivity and a deep understanding of wildlife, he crafts images of meticulous beauty.

From an early age, Michel was captivated by nature. Armed with binoculars, he let himself be transported by the songs of birds and the dances of wild mammals. His exploration of the Belgian countryside led him to capture the grace of waterfowl, then gradually extend his gaze to land animals such as foxes, roe deer and majestic stags.

His love of nature led him to the Ardennes, a region of Belgium that charmed him deeply. He divided his time between school and nature, but the call of the wild finally got the better of him. In 2016, Michel made the bold choice to devote himself entirely to his passion, becoming a full-time wildlife photographer.


"For me, provoking encounters has become much more than just a game, it's become a vocation, a way of life, my life. I look forward to the next meeting."

In his artistic quest, Michel aims to convey the beauty that emanates from nature, highlighting the aesthetics of biodiversity. Each photograph is a subtle dance between animals and their enchanting environment. Over time, however, he has become captivated by the magic of light. Whether soft or fading, they guide his steps and give life to his images, infusing them with a poetic and bewitching dimension.




Europe, Middle East and Africa

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